Welcome to the International Book Club! Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to CSUB's 2024 session of International Book Club! We are excited to read with you! We will be reading Nicole Chung's All You Can Ever Know, and it's always great knowing a bit about our fellow book lovers ahead of getting started!

Please introduce yourself on our Padlet page, telling us your name, which country and school you are from, and anything else you'd like to share: what are you studying? Do you have any pets? Do you like a specific book/book genre? etc!

Please include a picture in your post, whether it's a selfie, a picture of a pet you mention, some scenery from your hometown or country, your choice!

You can double click anywhere on the Padlet page, or click the "+" button in the bottom right hand corner to begin crafting your post! Please email us at studyabroad@csub.edu if you are having any issues.


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